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Full Moon in Sagittarius: A Journey Intertwined with Dante’s Divine Comedy

The Spirit of Sagittarius: Exploring Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy

5 min readMay 23, 2024


Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy is a masterpiece that deeply examines the universal quest and enlightenment of the human soul. I find the energy of Sagittarius to be in striking harmony with the themes of this epic work.

Sagittarius is known for its strong desire for freedom, exploration, and the pursuit of new knowledge. It is also associated with beliefs and religions. Without its beliefs, Sagittarius can gradually turn into a void in the infinity of space.

Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy, considered an eternal work, symbolizes the quest for peace through the soul’s journey from hell to heaven. Dante’s epic journey from darkness to light embodies the Sagittarius’ passion for surpassing both internal and external boundaries.

Dante’s journey also mirrors the philosophical depth and wisdom-seeking nature of Sagittarius. Sagittarius is not content with just physical explorations but also delves deeply into mental and spiritual realms. In the Divine Comedy, Dante’s conversations with his guide Virgil involve profound philosophical inquiries into human nature, the workings of the universe, and God’s plan. These inquiries reflect the Sagittarian trait of deep thinking and the desire to discover the meaning of life.

The optimism and broad perspective of Sagittarius are seamlessly woven into the hopeful conclusion of the Divine Comedy in heaven. By journeying through hell and purgatory to reach the light of heaven, Dante illustrates the intrinsic goodness and quest for redemption inherent in humanity. During a Sagittarius full moon, we are tested on our ability to maintain hope and see the beauty in life despite challenges. Under the influence of Pluto, the planet of transformation, experiences — both good and bad — become unavoidable during this #SagittariusFullMoon.

“Hell is a state of mind — ye never said a truer word. And every state of mind, left to itself, every shutting up of the creature within the dungeon of its own mind — is, in the end, Hell. But Heaven is not a state of mind. Heaven is reality itself. All that is fully real is Heavenly. For all that can be shaken will be shaken and only the unshakeable remains.”

― C.S. Lewis, The Great Divorce

Full Moon in Sagittarius: A Journey Intertwined with Dante’s Divine Comedy

A Full Moon in Sagittarius is filled with the desire to expand boundaries and explore new possibilities. This Full Moon symbolizes the completion of a cycle and the increase of awareness. Combined with the energy of Sagittarius, the Full Moon brings significant enlightenment and discoveries in both internal and external journeys. Like the spiritual journey in Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy, this Full Moon encourages individuals to delve into deep thoughts, engage in philosophical inquiries, and seek ultimate truth.

Hell: Defense Mechanisms

The Full Moon in Sagittarius can reveal defense mechanisms when real needs are not met or when faced with threatening emotions. This situation resembles the plight of the souls trapped in Dante’s Hell. In Dante’s Hell, souls face the consequences of their sins and are in a constant search for escape. Just like the souls in Hell, we may focus on the future, abstract realms, or escapist activities to avoid immediate problems. Dante’s words depict this situation:

“And within those flames were souls that are constantly fleeing and find no rest; for their punishment is the impossibility of escape.” (Hell, Canto XXVI)

Purgatory: The Process of Purification

The Full Moon in Sagittarius can also trigger tendencies for continuous philosophizing, intellectual conversations, and evasion of responsibilities. This is similar to the purification process seen in Dante’s Purgatory. In Purgatory, souls work patiently to cleanse themselves of past sins and reach heaven. This process reminds us that we need to overcome our own inner conflicts and defense mechanisms:

“Here I saw souls awaiting with patience and hope; they burn with the pain of purification, hoping to find peace at last.” (Purgatory, Canto IX)

Heaven: Ultimate Freedom and Enlightenment

The Full Moon in Sagittarius allows individuals to create a constructive philosophical framework to view life and engage in both internal and external explorations. This mirrors the experience of souls who reach Dante’s heaven. Heaven is where the soul attains the highest enlightenment and freedom. The awareness brought by the Full Moon enables individuals to approach their emotional needs and life challenges more consciously:

“And finally, in the presence of God, wrapped in the purest light and love, I found myself; here I found true freedom and divine peace.” (Heaven, Canto XXXIII)

Our tasks include learning to give to ourselves as well as to others, developing inner freedom that can exist within boundaries and commitments, and discovering and maintaining contact with an inner spirit or God that guides and inspires us. This reflects the journey in Dante’s Divine Comedy; starting from hell, progressing through the process of purification, and finally reaching heaven, we find true inner freedom and enlightenment.

The Full Moon in Sagittarius provides strong energy for individuals to push their boundaries, seek new knowledge and experiences, and ultimately reach inner enlightenment. Parallel to Dante Alighieri’s journey in the Divine Comedy, this period highlights spiritual and physical explorations, deep thoughts, and inner freedom. When these two powerful themes merge, the potential offered by Sagittarius and the Full Moon celebrates the universal quest and journey of enlightenment of the human soul.

artwork by STARZCOPE


The Great Divorce Vs. Divine Comedy

Under the Full Moon in Sagittarius, I couldn’t recommend two better books to read than Dante’s “Divine Comedy” and C.S. Lewis’s “The Great Divorce”. These are not just for Sagittarius, of course, but for all signs! With the influences of transiting Saturn in Pisces and Neptune in Pisces (blame it on Neptune!), the two things humanity needs most in today’s capitalistic world are morality and faith.

Morality and faith are crucial concepts that guide us on our inner journey. It is essential to understand and apply these fundamental principles to explore our inner depths and support our spiritual growth.

Our free will represents our ability to choose these values and decide how to implement them in our lives.

Dante’s *Divine Comedy* and C.S. Lewis’s *The Great Divorce* are excellent guides for delving into the depths of morality and faith.

These works illustrate the inner journey of humanity, moral trials, and spiritual transformation, showing how our free will shapes our choices and how our beliefs guide us.

Even if I didn’t say they were related to Sagittarius, aren’t these themes of the 9th house and Sagittarius for those who understand astrology?

The Full Moon in Sagittarius offers us an opportunity for inner enlightenment and philosophical depth. During this period, it is important to focus on our moral principles and beliefs, making the right decisions guided by our free will, and taking steps toward spiritual growth.

So before you dive into @starzcope horoscope readings, I wanted to share my thoughts on these two books that will nourish your free will.

For sinners and the cruel, these books may be difficult to read, but for the innocent and open-hearted, they are wonderful literary works.

❤️🏹🪽With love,


Artwork and written by Zeynep A. StarZcope 2024**

